The Z1 Dashboard software offers several special dashboards. These include the
timing and scoring dashboard (discussed here), the
dashboard and the
track map dashboard. Each of these dashboards
provides detailed information that can be used to augment or replace the information
included in the car's main dashboard.
The Timing & Scoring dashboard is included by default in the rotation of dashboards for the
first instance. It is also the primary dashboard for the
third instance.
You may alter these settings as described in the
Car Settings page.
However you choose to display this dashboard, the information is the same and is described
Lap Timing
The left side of the screen displays lap time information. Starting from the top you have
the current lap time of the current lap. Next is the current delta to your fastest lap of
the session. This delta will reset each time you relaunch the sim if you turn off the
Save Splits option in the General tab of the
Settings Dialog.
The third line displays the last lap time. Finally the last line displays the best lap
of the session.
Race Distance
The top right side of the screen displays the race information. During a race the lap counter
displays either the lap you are currently on or the number of laps completed followed by the
total number of laps in the race. You can choose the former setting using the Lap Counter
drop down of the General tab in the
Settings Dialog. During a non-race
session the lap counter displays the total number of laps completed in the stint followed by
the total number of laps completed in the session. Your current position, overall, is displayed
to the right. The total time remaining in the session, or the race, is displayed on the bottom
of this screen.
The fuel section displays the amount of fuel remaining in your fuel tank along with your
current average fuel consumption per lap displayed below. At the bottom right of this section
is the amount of fuel you will need to finish the race. During a practice session this will
display the amount of fuel required to finish the lap.
Manual Index