Z1 RaceTech
Z1 Analyzer Video
Manual Index
You can use recorded video within the Z1 Analyzer. Selecting the Display->Show Video menu option will display the video object. You can then incorporate this anywhere within your layouts.

When you first open the video display you'll see a explanation of the controls as no video will have been loaded. Click the open folder icon at the bottom to open the video. Note you will have to have recorded the video outside of the Z1 Analyzer. Any MP4 or AVI file format can be used.

Z1 Analyzer Car Models

Once the video has been loaded you'll need to align it with your lap. Use the step forward/backward buttons to align the car at the start of the lap in your video. When done click the flag icon. Then click the sync button. This will keep the video and lap data insync as you play back or jump around the lap.

Z1 Analyzer Car Models

Play back of the video will start when you play back a lap. You can adjust the speed of the playback from normal down to 1/16 speed by clicing the play button multiple times.

You can jump forward or backwards in the video by clicking the fast forward or rewind buttons.

Manual Index