Z1 RaceTech
Z1 Analyzer General Settings
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The Z1 Analyzer software allows you to easily customize the application to suit your needs. This customization is done using the Settings Dialog, accessible by selecting the File->Settings menus option.

The settings dialog contains multiple tabs with specific settings under each one. This page describes the General tab.

General Settings Tab
Speed Units:
This drop down allows you to choose the units used to display speed values throughout the application. The options are KPH or MPH.

Amount Units:
This drop down allows you to choose the units used to display fuel amount values throughout the application. The options are liters or gallons.

Pressure Units:
This drop down allows you to choose the units used to display pressure values throughout the application. The options are kPa/Bar or PSI.

Temperature Units:
This drop down allows you to choose the units used to display temperature values throughout the application. The options are celsius or fahrenheit.

Distance Units:
This drop down allows you to choose the units used to display distance values throughout the application. The options are meters or feet.

Weight Units:
This drop down allows you to choose the units used to display weight values throughout the application. The options are kilograms or pounds.

Torque Units:
This drop down allows you to choose the units used to display torque values throughout the application. The options are newton-meters or foot-pounds.

This drop down allows you to choose how angles are displayed. The options are Radians or Degrees.

General Settings Tab
The language drop down allows you to specifi the language used in the Z1 Analyzer. The Analyzer comes with several language packs to choose from.

You can create your own language pack by making a copy of the file 'Template.zol' located in documents/z1analyzer/languages. Rename this file to the appropriate language. Then open it in Notepad and fill in the appropriate words.

Note that note everything in the Analyzer can be translated.

General Settings Tab
Request Startup Lan Scan:
With this option selected the Z1 Analyzer will scan for new laps every time it starts. If you uncheck this option, then you can tell the Z1 Analyzer to scan for laps when you are in the Open Lap Dialog or through the menu options.

Analyze From Edges:
With option selected the Z1 Analyzer will determine the turns on the track by using the track edges if they are available. This usually produces better results than the previous method used (by analyzing the car's telemetry to determine if it was in a turn.) If the track edges are not available or this option is not selected then the old style of telemetry analysis to determine the turns will be used.

Play iRacing:
If you are using iRacing and have the Analyzer running on the same machine as the sim and the lap you are analyzing is one that has just been run in the current iRacing session, then checking this box will tell the Z1 Analyzer to attempt to play back the replay of the lap in sync with the movement on the traces.

Interpolate Position:
Some sims do not provide accurate enough positions through out the lap for all of the Z1 Analyzer's analysis functions to work smoothly. If this option is selected the Z1 Analyzer will fill in the gaps with data based on other inputs creating a smooth movement throughout the lap.

Download Track Edges:
When you open a lap the Analyzer will check to see if you have track edge files for the track available. If you do not and this option is selected then the Analyzer will attempt to connect to our servers and download the track edge files if they are available. Having track edge files available makes many of the analysis screens much more useful.

Show Updates Once:
When this option is selected the Z1 Analyzer will only show each update message a single time.

Show Confirmation Dialogs:
When this option is selected the Z1 Analyzer will display a confirmation dialog before certain actions are taken.

Show Completion Dialogs:
When this option is selected the Z1 Analyzer will display confirmation dialogs after certain actions have taken place.

General Settings Tab
This allows you to select form the various debug options. In general this should be set to Off unless you are trying to debug a problem with the application. The debug data is stored in the log files located in documents/z1analyzer/logs.

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