Z1 RaceTech
Z1 Analyzer Custom Channels
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Custom Channels are a feature available in the Track and Pro versions of the Z1 Analyzer.

The Z1 Analyzer comes with over a hundred pre-defined data channels. But sometimes when working with external data or with iRacing ibt files that is not enough, or the specific one you require is not included. This is where custom channels come in.

Z1 Analyzer Custom Channels

You can create a custom channel and assign any data you like to it. This custom channel can then be displayed like any default data channel in a trace, data tile, scatter plot, histogram or custom trace. It can also be used within a math channel.

Z1 Analyzer Custom Channels

Creating a custom channel is simple, just select the Data Channels->New Custom Channel menu option. Then enter the required information and click Create Custom Channel.

The Pro version also allows you to have custom channels automatically created for any unknown channels when importing external data, or iRacing ibt data files.

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